
0.1 What is Enactus?

Enactus stands for Entrepreneurship Action Us.

Enactus is a global non-profit with teams in over 1,710 universities in 36 countries with over 72 thousand members (these are updated numbers). The goal for each Enactus team is to go out and identify a need in their community and to find a way to solve it by creating a project. Each team then runs the project in their community with the goal of bettering the lives of as many individuals as possible.

After working tirelessly to impact their communities Enactus teams around the world compete against other schools at the regional, national and global levels every year. Essentially, we are teaching this project to you as a way to find out what information would be most helpful to you while providing some financial literacy knowledge that we think will be beneficial to you. This program will consist of multiple workshops and by the end of the program, we hope that you’ll all learn something that will be useful in the future.